How Old is Italy?

Italy is jam-packed with historic sites and attractions, but when did this glorious region first begin? Italy’s history is famous throughout the world, being renowned for its thousands of years of highlights. Famous for its iconic periods such as the renaissance era and the Roman empire. The history of Italy is tied into the country’s…

Why is the Vatican a Separate Country?

As you pass through the doors of the Vatican Museums, you might not realise it, but you are entering the world’s smallest country. So how did the Vatican become a tiny country within a country? That the Vatican City is actually a country within the country of Italy is often a bewildering concept for many…

How much is a gondola ride in Venice?

A journey in this historical boat is an essential experience for anyone visiting Venice. So how much does it cost? If gliding down the Grand Canal or navigating the charming secluded waterways of Venice on a gondola is an experience you’ve always dreamed of, you have a couple of options to live out your fantasy….

Who designed the Trevi Fountain?

While Nicola Salvi is usually credited with the current design of the Trevi Fountain, this iconic fountain has a lot more history to it than one man. The history of the Trevi Fountain dates right back to when the Ancient Romans built the aqueduct that supplies the fountain’s water. Many artists, architects, sculptors, popes and…